
Sensing and Serving
a Moving City

CMUP ERI Proposal CMUP-ERI/TIC/0010/2014

The Project

The S2MovingCity will make use of a unique vehicular and sensing infrastructure to focus on providing the city of Porto with a more “effective” solution to support planning and city-wide management to improve the city comfort on city dwellers (transportation, persons, and institutions). The S2MovingCity project proposes to deliver new knowledge and a proof of concept for massive urban sensing of people, vehicles, and environment, supporting data-driven city planning and decision making. S2MovingCity will focus on city-wide flows (persons and vehicles), will try to understand them and correlate with environment information from sensors in order to improve effective mobility and its impact on city comfort and environment.

Our approach will use and extend the current infrastructure to obtain information about the vehicles, people and the environment, such as:

  • Location and mobility patterns of vehicles and people (in the streets, in the buses and in events), including accounting people and vehicles through video cameras and connection to hotspots in the street and in vehicles and
  • City weather with high granularity, noise, environment and pollution levels.

This heterogeneous information from heterogeneous sources is gathered directly through:

  • Fixed stations in the city, such as WiFi hotspots and vehicular road side units when the cameras, sensors or people are near these stations;
  • The vehicular network when: a) buses and municipality vehicles get into range of sensors or people; b) sensors are installed in the buses; c) people are bus passengers; and
  • Mobile collectors such as drones, in the case of events on wide parks.

Working Areas

Infrastructure and Security

Task T1 will extend the existing infrastructure to assure the integration of all sensors and use all possible spots for data gathering: mobile collectors such as drones will be used as enablers for the mobile data gathering, additional WiFi hotspots from private WiFi providers will be integrated, and legacy devices will be integrated in the existing sensing infrastructure. This task will also research a solution for securing the information and the network. The security approach will be tested in the lab prior to the real network.

Mobile Data Gathering

T2 aims to research a solution for data collection in a flexible opportunistic and delay tolerant approach, making use of network coding to optimize data delivery and reduce the amount of data replicas in the network, considering a vehicular multi-hop environment. The data gathering and network coding approaches will be tested in an emulator with real information of the hotspots infrastructure, vehicular network and sensing platform, and the best approaches will be tested in the real network.

Modelling Data Flows, Behavior and Prediction

With both T1 and T2 in place, we now have the data in the infrastructure, received in the required times, and Task T3 can be focused on handling and processing data from the city and, through data mining and simulation, identify relevant flow patterns (traffic, persons) and people demands on the city. T3 will also identify specific or unexpected events that may be of interest in the city broad management. This task will provide the mechanisms and algorithms for processing the data collected (in T2) by the infrastructure (T1), analysing it and delivering critical information to the application layer. The results of the algorithms processing will be available for the visualization and dashboards developed in T4.

Living City Information Plataform

Task T4 will provide a living city information platform that promotes city-wide information as a tool to support active interventions in the city either as private citizens, business / institutional partners and decision makers. It will take the patterns, flows, events identified in T3 to provide a living city information platform middleware for decision makers and to citizens as public technological open interface, end-user interface sensible to city changes and provide customized information to support the decision and evaluation of city wide interventions/policies, mobile applications for the users and institutions. Decisions on the city planning will be taken and the impact will be analysed, through the information gathered from the infrastructure (T1 and T2) and processed (T3).

City Pilots

Task T5 will be responsible to integrate the work from T1 to T4 in the use cases that represent current city planning concrete challenges where the S2MovingCity. The pilots are: Effective mobility - monitor traffic densities / flows and collect environmental information to characterize the typical impact in the environment; City interventions in public spaces - assessing the status and evolution in new pedonal/public areas in terms of impact in person and traffic flows, commercial/institutional and city quality of life; Impact of big events in public spaces - provide option to cellular technologies as basic infrastructure to support major events. The pilots will use the infrastructure developed in the previous tasks T1 and T2, and will generate data to be processed and analysed by T3, visualized in T4, with decisions taken and their impact assessed also in T4.


Carnegie Mellon University

Instituto de Telecomunicações

University of Aveiro

University of Porto

Veniam Lda.

Câmara Municipal do Porto

Associação Porto Digital


Numbered list of peer reviewed papers published in Journals

  1. R. Monteiro, S. Sargento, W. V. Viriyasitavat, O. Tonguz, A graph structure approach to improving message dissemination in vehicular networks, springer wireless networks, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1 - 19, April, 2016.

  2. A. Reis, S. Sargento, and O. K. Tonguz, Parked Cars are Excellent Roadside Units, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ISSN: 1524-9050, Volume: 18, Issue: 9, Page(s): 2490 – 2502, Setembro 2017.

  3. J. Pereira, L. Ricardo, M. Luís, C Senna, S. Sargento, Assessing the reliability of fog computing for smart mobility applications in VANETs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 94, No., pp. 317 - 332, 2018, available in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.11.043.

  4. D. Sousa, M. Luís, S. Sargento, ACP Pereira, An Aquatic Mobile Sensing USV Swarm with a Link Quality-Based Delay Tolerant Network, MDPI Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 3440 - 3440, October, 2018.

  5. Z. Zhao, S. Sargento, L. Guardalben, M. Karimzadeh, J. Silva, T. Braun, Mobility Prediction-Assisted Over-The-Top Edge Prefetching for Hierarchical VANETs, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 1786 - 1801, August, 2018.

  6. P. Cirne, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, M. Luís, The impact of ECDSA in a VANET routing service: Insights from real data traces, Ad Hoc, Vol., No., pp. -, August 2018.

  7. R. Almeida, R. Oliveira, M. Luís, C Senna, S. Sargento, A Multi-Technology Communication Platform for Urban Mobile Sensing, MDPI Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1184 - 1184, April, 2018.

  8. A.B. Reis, S. Sargento, O. Tonguz, Smarter Cities with Parked Cars as Roadside Units, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. PP, No. 99, pp. 1 - 15, March, 2018.

  9. P. Cirne, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, TROPHY: Trustworthy VANET routing with group authentication keys, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, ISSN: 1570-8705, Vol. 71, pp: 45-67, March 2018.

  10. P. Santos, J. Rodrigues, S. Cruz, TFSL Lourenço, P. M. d´Orey, Y. Rojo, C. Rocha, S. Sousa, S. Crisóstomo, C. Q. Queirós, S. Sargento, A. Aguiar, J. Barros, PortoLivingLab: an IoT-based Sensing Platform for Smart Cities, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 523 - 532, April, 2018.

  11. P. M. Santos, L. Kholkine, A. Cardote, A. Aguiar, Context classifier for position-based user association control in vehicular hotspots, Elsevier Computer Communications, Volume 121, Pages 71-82, 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.comcom.2018.03.004

  12. A. Aguiar, Usar as TIC para Melhorar a Experiência de Mobilidade Urbana, revista Pontos de Vista, Agosto de 2018.

  13. D. G. C. Costa, F. V. Vasques, P. P. Portugal, A. Aguiar, A Distributed Multi-Tier Emergency Alerting System Exploiting Sensors-Based Event Detection to Support Smart City Applications, Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 170 - 170, December, 2019.

  14. D. Sousa, D. Hernandez, F. Oliveira, M. Luís, S. Sargento, A Platform of USV Swarms for Real Time Monitoring in Aquaculture Environments, MDPI Sensors, vol 19, issue 21, October 2019.

  15. R. Fernandes, R. Oliveira, M. Luís, S. Sargento, On the Real Capacity of LoRa Networks: The Impact of Non-destructive Communications, IEEE Communication Letters, September 2019.

  16. J. Ribeiro, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, Survey of passengers' origin-destination in public transportation networks using Wi-Fi, Smart Cities, Green Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, ISSN: 1865-0929, Vol. 992, pp. pp 367-388, July 2019.

  17. R. Oliveira, M. Luís, S. Sargento, On the Performance of Social-based and Location-aware Forwarding Strategies in Urban Vehicular Networks, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 93, 101925, October 2019.

  18. J. Pereira, L. Ricardo, M. Luís, C Senna, S. Sargento, Assessing the reliability of fog computing for smart mobility applications in VANETs, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 94, No., pp. 317 - 332, May, 2019.

  19. R. Shi, P. Steenkiste, and M. M. Veloso, SC-M*: A Multi-Agent Path Planning Algorithm with Soft-Collision Constraint on Allocation of Common Resources, Applied Sciences (Appl. Sci.), Vol. 9(19) 4037, September 2019.

  20. J. Branquinho and C. Senna, and A. Zúquete. An efficient and secure alert system for vanets to improve crosswalks' security in smart cities. MDPI Sensors, 20(9):26, April 2020.

  21. G. Pessoa, L. Guardalben, M. Luís, C. Senna, and S. Sargento. Evaluation of content dissemination strategies in urban vehicular networks. MDPI Information, 11(3):163, March 2020.

  22. F. Pereira, H. Sampaio, R. Chaves, R. Correia, M. Luís, S. Sargento, M. Jordao, L. Almeida, C. Senna, A. S. R. Oliveira, and N. Borges Carvalho. When backscatter communication meets vehicular networks: Boosting crosswalk awareness. IEEE Access, 8:34507-34521, 2020.

  23. T. Jesus, D. Costa, P. P. Portugal, F. V. Vasques, A. Aguiar, Modelling Coverage Failures Caused by Mobile Obstacles for the Selection of Faultless Visual Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 41537 - 41550, February, 2020.

  24. S. B. Cruz and A. Aguiar, MagLand: Magnetic Landmarks for Road Vehicle Localization, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 3654-3667, April 2020.

  25. R. Chaves, C. Senna, M. Luís, S. Sargento, A. Moreira, D. Recharte, R. Matos, EmuCD: An emulator for Content Dissemination protocols in Vehicular Networks, MDPI Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903), accepted December 2020.

  26. L. Pacheco, A. D. Costa, D. Rosario, L. Villas, A. Loureiro, S. Sargento, E. Cerqueira, Skipping-based Handover Algorithm for Video Distribution Over Ultra-Dense VANET, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, ISSN: 1389-1286, Vol. 126, July 2020.

  27. B. Areias, A. Martins, N. Paula, S. Sargento, A. Reis, A control and communications platform for procedural mission planning with multiple aerial drones, Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, ISSN: 1617-4917, March, 2020.

  28. R. Shi, P. Steenkiste, and M. M. Veloso, Improving the On-Vehicle Experience of Passengers through SC-M*: A Scalable Multi-Passenger Multi-Criteria Mobility Planner, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, January 2020.

Numbered list of peer-reviewed conference papers published

  1. P. Cirne, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, Authentication of routing messages on a VANET, InFOrum 2016 (http://inforum.org.pt/INForum2016/), Lisboa, Portugal, 9-10 September 2016.

  2. A. Reis, S. Sargento, Statistics of Parked Cars for Urban Vehicular Networks, Third IEEE WoWMoM International Workshop on Smart Vehicles: Connectivity Technologies and ITS Applications, Coimbra, Portugal, DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2016.7523570, June 2016.

  3. L. Kholkine, P. Santos, A. Cardote, A. Aguiar, Detecting Relative Position of User Devices and Mobile Access Points, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference VNC, Columbus, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, December, 2016.

  4. J. G. P. Rodrigues, A. Aguiar and C. Queirós, Opportunistic mobile crowdsensing for gathering mobility information: Lessons learned, 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 1654-1660, Rio de Janeiro, 2016.

  5. M. Veloso, P. M. d´Orey, S. Phithakkitnukoon, C. Bento, M. Ferreira, Inferring Exhaust Gases Levels using Taxi Service and Meteorological Data: An Experiment in the City of Porto, Portugal, IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1970 - 1975, November, 2016.

  6. P. M. d´Orey, J. Azevedo, M. Ferreira, Exploring the Solution Space of Self-Automated Parking Lots: A Large-scale Empirical Evaluation of Vehicle Control Strategies, IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 1134 - 1140, November, 2016.

  7. Y. Rojo, P. Santos, TFSL Lourenço, C.P.P. Pérez-Penichet, T.C. Calçada, A. Aguiar, UrbanSense: an Urban-scale Sensing Platform for the Internet of Things, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference ISC2, Trento, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, September, 2016.

  8. R. Almeida, R. Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Luís, C. Senna, S. Sargento, A Multi-technology Opportunistic Platform for Environmental Data Gathering on Smart Cities, IEEE IEEE Globecom 2017 - Workshop on Low Power Wide Area networking technologies for emerging Internet of Things (LPWA4IoT), Singapore, Singapore, Vol., pp. -, December, 2017.

  9. D. Moura, L. Guardalben, M. Luís, S. Sargento, A Drone-Quality Delay Tolerant Routing Approach for Aquatic Drones Scenarios, IEEE IEEE Globecom 2017 - 8th International Workshop on Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, Singapore, Singapore, Vol., pp. -, December, 2017.

  10. L. Ricardo, S. Sargento, I.C.O. Oliveira, Decision Support System for City Public Transportation, Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, October, 2017.

  11. D. Simões, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, A Drone-Assisted Service for Emergency Scenarios, Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, October, 2017.

  12. J. Pereira, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, M. Diaz-Cacho, L. Guardalben, M. Luís, Message Dissemination Mechanisms for Driving Support Scenarios, Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, October, 2017.

  13. J. Ribeiro, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, Survey of public transport routes using Wi-Fi, Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, October, 2017.

  14. R. Oliveira, M. Luís, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, Multi-Technology Data Collection: Short and Long Range Communication, IEEE 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2017-Fall, Toronto, Canada, Vol., pp. -, September, 2017.

  15. R. Oliveira, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, Long range communications in urban and rural environments, IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Heraklion, Greece, Vol. 978-1-5386-1629-1, pp. 1 - 6, September, 2017.

  16. B. Areias, N. Humberto, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, Automated Flying Drones Platform for Sensing Smart Spaces, Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, September, 2017.

  17. D. Inácio, C Senna, S. Sargento, Content distribution in vehicular networks through information filtering, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC, Crete, Greece, Vol., pp. -, July, 2017.

  18. J. Soares, S. Sargento, Re-optimizing the Embedding of Virtual Infrastructures, IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Heraklion, Greece, Vol., pp. -, July, 2017.

  19. J. Soares, JPJA Aparício, S. Sargento, Dynamic Strategies for the Optimal Embedding of Virtual Infrastructures, IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Heraklion, Greece, Vol., pp. -, July, 2017.

  20. F. Castro, A. Martins Martins, S. Sargento, N. Capela, Multihoming for Uplink Communications in Vehicular Networks, IFIP Wireless Days, Porto, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, March, 2017.

  21. G. Pessoa Pessoa, R. Dias, T. Condeixa, J. A. Azevedo, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, Content distribution emulation for vehicular networks, Wireless Days Conf., Porto, Portugal, Vol. 978-1-5090-5856-3, pp. 1 - 5, March, 2017.

  22. R. Shi, P. Steenkiste, and M. Veloso, Second-Order Destination Inference using Semi-Supervised Self-Training for Entry-Only Passenger Data, in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT'17), Austin, Texas, USA, December 5-8, 2017.

  23. P. M. d´Orey, On the Challenges of Mobile Crowdsensing for Traffic Estimation, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems SenSys, Delft, Netherlands, November 2017.

  24. R. Oliveira, L. Guardalben, and S. Sargento. Long range communications in urban and rural environments. In The 22nd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2017), July 2017.

  25. P. Cirne, A. Zúquete, S. Sargento, loop: A trace-based emulator for Vehicular ad hoc networks, INSTICC 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications SIMULTECH 2018, Porto, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, July, 2018.

  26. G. Pessoa, M. Luís, L. Guardalben, S. Sargento, On the Analysis of Content Dissemination through Real Vehicular Boards, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, June, 2018.

  27. R. Almeida, R. Oliveira, M. Luís, C Senna, S. Sargento, Forwarding Strategies for Future Mobile Smart City Networks, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, June, 2018.

  28. C. Gomes, M. Luís, S. Sargento, A. Zúquete, R. Lopes, Multi-technology vs Single-technology Architecture for Network Coding in VANETs, IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Natal, Brazil, Vol., pp. -, June, 2018.

  29. J. Conde, C Senna, S. Sargento, Content Distribution Optimization Algorithms in Vehicular Networks, 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Natal, Brazil, Vol., pp. -, June, 2018.

  30. J. Pereira, M. Diaz-Cacho, S. Sargento, A. Zúquete, L. Guardalben, M. Luís, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Real-time Video Transmission through IEEE 802.11p for Assisted-Driving, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2018.

  31. C. Tranoris, S. Denazis, S. Sargento, J. Pereira, L. Guardalben, Enabling Cyber-Physical Systems for 5G networking: A case study on the Automotive Vertical domain, ACM International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE, Montréal, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2018.

  32. J. Ribeiro, S. Sargento, A. Zúquete, Survey of public transport routes using Wi-Fi, INSTICC International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems VEHITS, Funchal, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, March, 2018.

  33. J. Pereira, S. Sargento, J. Fernandes, Decision Support Dashboard for Traffic and Environment Analysis of a Smart City, INSTICC International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems VEHITS, Funchal, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, March, 2018.

  34. L. Ricardo, S. Sargento, I. Oliveira, An Information System for Bus Travelling and Performance Evaluation, INSTICC International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems VEHITS, Funchal, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, March, 2018.

  35. B. Areias, N. Humberto, S. Sargento, L. Guardalben, Towards an Automated Flying Drones Platform, INSTICC International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems VEHITS, Funchal, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, March, 2018.

  36. R. Shi, P. Steenkiste, and M. Veloso, Generating Synthetic Passenger Data through Joint Traffic-Passenger Modeling and Simulation, in Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC'18), Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 4-7, 2018.

  37. E. Lima, Impacts of Human Mobility in Mobile Data Offloading, ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks - CHANTS, New Delhi, India, October 2018.

  38. C. Silva, P. M. d´Orey, Interpreting Traffic Congestion Using Fundamental Diagrams and Probabilistic Graphical Modeling, Workshop on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation DIT, Singapore, Singapore, November, 2018.

  39. P. Santos, An Exploratory Study of Relations between Site Features and I2V Link Performance, EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space Urb-IoT, Guimarães, Portugal, November 2018.

  40. P. Santos, Characterization and Modeling of the Bicycle-Antenna System for the 2.4GHz ISM Band, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference VNC, Taipei, Taiwan, December,2018.

  41. A. Aguiar. Cooperative Content Dissemination on Vehicular Networks, Proc. IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), December 2018.

  42. P. Dias, J. Rodrigues, A. C. Aguiar, G. David. Planning and managing data for Smart Cities: an application profile for the UrbanSense project, 4th IEEE Smart City Conference (ISC2). 2018.

  43. P. M. Santos, M. Rosa, A. Nguyen, A. C. Aguiar. Study on Solar-powered IoT Node Autonomy, 4th IEEE Smart City Conference (ISC2). 2018.

  44. L. Silva, C. Senna, and A. Zúquete. Using reputation as a coin to bet on information items distributed in a smart city. In 2019 Fifth Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ), pages 1-2, March 2019.

  45. A. Aguiar, R. Morla Morla, Lessons Learned and Challenges on Benchmarking Publish-Subscribe IoT Platforms, Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things CPS-IoTBench, Montreal, Canada, Vol., pp. -, April, 2019.

  46. C. Silva, P. M. d´Orey, A. Aguiar, Visual Analysis of Multivariate Urban Traffic Data Resorting to Local Principal Curves, Workshop on Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation for Big Data MLVis, Porto, Portugal, Vol., pp. -, June, 2019.

  47. J. Branquinho, C. Senna, and A. Zúquete. Smart crosswalks: A safe alert system that minimizes the confrontation between vehicles and pedestrians. In 13th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2019), pages 386-390, July 2019.

  48. P. Santos, L. Sousa, A. Aguiar, Experimental Evaluation of Urban Points-of-Interest as Predictors of I2V 802.11 Data Transfers, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference ISC2, Casablanca, Morocco, Vol., pp. -, October, 2019.

  49. J. Rodrigues, A. Aguiar, Extracting 3D Maps from Crowdsourced GNSS Skyview Data, ACM MOBICOM - International Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking, Los Cabos, Mexico, Vol., pp. -, October, 2019.

  50. A. Tavares, I. C. Oliveira, S. Bras, and S. Sargento, (2019). Estimation of buses arrival time combining historic and live mobility data. In A. P. Afonso & J. M. Lourenco (Eds.), INForum 2019 Atas do 11o Simposio de Informatica (pp. 302-313). http://inforum.org.pt/INForum2019/docs/atas-do-inforum2019.

  51. R. Lopes, M. Luís, and S. Sargento, Real-time Video Transmission in Multihomed Vehicular Networks, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2019 (VNC 2019), Los Angeles, California (USA), Dezembro 2019.

  52. V. Vieira, A. Zúquete, M. Luís and S. Sargento, QoE of Video Streaming in Multihomed Vehicular Networks, 4th ACM Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks, The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MOBICOM 2019 - 4th Internet-QoE Workshop), Los Cabos, Mexico, 21-25 Outubro 2019.

  53. D. Sousa, S. Sargento, A. Pereira, M. Luís, Self-adaptive Team of Aquatic Drones with a Communication Network for Aquaculture, 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vila Real, Portugal, 3-6 Setembro 2019.

  54. N. Paula, B. Areias, A. Reis and S. Sargento, Multi-drone Control with Autonomous Mission Support, Workshop on UNmanned aerial vehicle Applications in the Smart City: from Guidance technology to enhanced system Interaction (UNAGI'19), IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PERCOM), Kyoto, Japan, March 2019.

  55. D. G. Costa, F. Vasques, A. Aguiar and P. Portugal, Automatic Assignment of Emergency Vehicles in Response to Sensors-based Generated Alarms in Smart City Scenarios, 2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 1-7, 2020.

  56. S. B. Cruz, E. Soares, D. Machado, P. Meireles, J. N. Ribeiro, H. Barros, S. Faria, C. Queiros, J. Rodrigues, and A. Aguiar. 2020. Crowdsensing spatial data to follow epidemic evolution: poster abstract. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 671-672, 2020.

  57. M. Marques, C. Senna, and S. Sargento. Evaluation of strategies for emergency message dissemination in vanets. In 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), July 2020.

  58. A. Aguiar, R. Meireles, A. Rodrigues, A. Stanciu, P. Steenkiste, Exploring Wi-Fi Network Diversity for Vehicle-To-Infrastructure Communication, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference VNC, Conference online, Vol., pp. -, December, 2020.

  59. A. Aguiar, A. Rodrigues, M. Mattos, B. Maurício, R. Meireles and P. Steenkiste, Exploratory Study of 802.11ad Vehicular Links, 2020 Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), Arona, Italy, December 2020.

  60. J. Patrício, M. Luís and S. Sargento, Passive Gateway Election Mechanisms for Swarms of Drones in Aquatic Sensing Environments, 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Bali, Indonesia, Outubro 2020.

  61. R. Fernandes, R. Oliveira, M. Luís and S. Sargento, Exploring the Use of Control Packets in LoRa Medium Access: a Scalability Analysis, 2020 IEEE 21st International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Cork, Ireland, Agosto-Setembro 2020.

  62. M. Silva, M. Luís and S. Sargento, Edge Virtualization in Multihomed Vehicular Networks, 10th Workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart City System, IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC), Rennes, France, Julho 2020.

  63. D. Simões, A. Rodrigues, A. Reis and S. Sargento, Forest Fire Monitoring Through a Network of Aerial Drones and Sensors, International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems (PerVehicle'20), IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PERCOM), Austin, USA, March 2020.

  64. A. Rodrigues, A. Reis and S. Sargento, GPSR-PPU: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing with Position Prediction and Uncertainty for FANETs, International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems (PerVehicle'20), IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PERCOM), Austin, USA, March 2020.


Prof. Susana Sargento and Prof. Manuela Veloso, susana@.ua.pt; mmv@cs.cmu.edu